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Oremfest Stage Entertainment Application

Any group or individual interested in participating in the stage entertainment line-up for the Oremfest celebration must fill out this form by February 28th. Notifications of decisions will be by March 30th.

A $400 honorarium will be offered to performers selected to participate in the Oremfest stage entertainment line-up. 

Submission of this form does not guarantee entry in Oremfest. The Oremfest committee will select performers from the applications and notify those selected to perform.

Contact Person

Full Address

Type of Performance

Preferred Performance Day

Preferred Performance Length

Have you or the group performed in previous Oremfests or city sponsored events?

Oremfest Entertainment

Entry Agreement

  1. I represent to the Oremfest Committee (“Committee”) that I am fully authorized to sign for and bind the undersigned sponsor (“Sponsor”) regarding our entry (“Entry”) in the Oremfest Entertainment. On behalf of the Sponsor, I agree that our Entry and all persons associated with it shall conduct the performances and all related activities. I agree to conduct our Entry and myself in a proper, appropriate manner during the performance and related activities and to not engage in any activity that is dangerous or likely to cause harm, injury or damage to the person or property of others.
  2. RIGHT OF TERMINATION: I understand that the Committee reserves the right to restrict or reject our Entry from participation without liability to the Committee, regardless of the cost or the inconvenience to our Entry. Any member of the Committee may exercises the right at any point in time, before or during the performance, for any reason considered by the Committee to be inconsistent with the goals, values, and objectives of the Oremfest.
  3. INDEMNIFICATION: as a condition of being a participant of the performances, I agree to assume full responsibility for my conduct and the conduct and activities of our Entry and to indemnify and hold The Oremfest, including the Committee and all others having any responsibility, therefore harmless from any liability, claim, loss or expense (including attorney’s fees) caused or arising from (a) any conduct or negligence by me or any person or part of our Entry that causes harm, damage, or injury to myself or others (b) any breach or omission of my representations or warranties, (c) any claim by my employee, subcontractor or supplier or (d) any infringement or violation by me of the rights of others.
  4. I understand that submitting this application does not automatically guarantee our Entry into the performances.
  5. I understand I am responsible for managing any technical requirements for the performance and that there will NOT be a technical director or staff person.

I have read and agree to these General Rules.

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