56 N. State St., Orem, UT, 84057, US
Exhibit “D”
City of Orem CARE Program
Cultural Arts Major Grant
The Interim Report, due by March 31, 2023, covers activities between July 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022 which were supported by CARE grant funds. Please return the completed report to CARE Program, c/o City of Orem Community Services, 56 N. State Street, Orem, UT 84057.
Contact Person
Full Address
Attach examples of how the CARE Program was acknowledged in programs, brochures, advertisements, etc.
Upload File(s)
Include a spreadsheet or document detailing how your CARE grant funds were utilized between July 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. Make sure all items are qualifying expenditures and allowed under the CARE guidelines. If CARE funds were used for personnel, detail how funds were used by position, including salary and benefits for new positions and any increases to salary or benefits for existing positions.
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